Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sofia--In case you didn't have time on Tuesday.

1. How has your experience differed from that of Sofia?
2. In what ways has it been the same?
(Student ID)

A Favorite Sentence?

In any of the stories in La Vida Real, find a favorite sentence and copy it here. Make sure to add the page number. Explain why you like the sentence.

Example: "I try to remember that my mother grew up in Mexico, where attitudes toward women are often different than they are in the United States" (Sofia, p. 59).
Even though my parents were not from Mexico, I can understand Sofia's sentence well. My parents had a hard time when I told them I was marrying a man from another culture (and religion!). I understand that they wanted to preserve our culture, and they were afraid that I would raise our children in a different religion. It took a few years, but they finally saw that the marriage was solid (and that I raised our children in OUR religion, not my husband's).

Now it's your turn! Find a favorite sentence!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Arelys: Pages 77-83

Read Arelys' story.
1. What hardships (problems) did Arelys encounter while she was growing up? Explain.
2. What changed Arelys' mind to go back to school? Explain.
3. What was Arelys' finding regarding the connection between diabetes and learning? Explain.
(Student ID).

Luis: Pages 72-76.

Read Luis' story.
1. What does "your" story have in common with Luis' story? Explain.
2. How is your life different? Explain.
3. What lessons on life did Luis learn? Explain.
(Student ID)

Deena: Pages 67-71.

Read Deena's story.
1. Is there anything in Deena's story that you can relate to? Explain.
2. What is different about Deena's story (than "your" story)? Explain.
3. What strengths does Deena have? How might these strengths help her in the future? Explain.
(Student ID)

Carlos: Pages 63-67

Read Carlos' story.
1. Do you have anything in common with Carlos' story? Explain.
2. What is different about "your" story and Carlos' story? Explain.
3. You are about to finish ENG 12. What advice would you give Carlos?
(Student ID)

Introduction: Do you understand?

Read the Introduction on pages 62 -63. Answer the following questions.
1. In 2005, approximately what percent of Latino students were dropouts?
2. According to the author, what financial benefit do high school graduates enjoy?
3. According to the author, what other advantage do high school graduates have?
(Student ID)