Sunday, April 8, 2012

Carlos: Pages 63-67

Read Carlos' story.
1. Do you have anything in common with Carlos' story? Explain.
2. What is different about "your" story and Carlos' story? Explain.
3. You are about to finish ENG 12. What advice would you give Carlos?
(Student ID)


  1. Well almost not much difference between carlos and me.I also moved to the united states with my family when i was in my youth.Since i arived here started to go to school. At first i lelt bummed out because i didnt understand anythig also my teacher always picked me to read aloud in class in that made me so frustrated.I dropped out school twice but the reasons were different of what carlos always wanted to do.Im about finish high school and i advise carlos to keep going to school because there is nothing important in this world to being someone in the life than a clumsy person.

  2. I was born in the United States and I've lived in Arlington my whole life. Carlos and I aren't that different at all, I was a shy student my freshman year through sophomore. My freshman year was really fun but after that school was extremely boring and a waste of time. I started cutting class almost everyday just to hang with friends.. That's when I wasn't shy anymore. I hung out with the wrong crowd and did stupid things but that's all changed.. I'm a senior now about to graduate but school is still a struggle for me. Its still the same old, boring, waste of time. If you really think about it school is the only way to go to make a living. I advise Carlos to stay in school and just keep trying. My dad always tells me " never give up on yourself" ..I always keep that in mind. 812849

  3. I was born in the United States and I've lived in Arlington my whole life. Carlos and I aren't that different at all, I was a shy student my freshman year through sophomore. My freshman year was really fun but after that school was extremely boring and a waste of time. I started cutting class almost everyday just to hang with friends.. That's when I wasn't shy anymore. I hung out with the wrong crowd and did stupid things but that's all changed.. I'm a senior now about to graduate but school is still a struggle for me. Its still the same old, boring, waste of time. If you really think about it school is the only way to go to make a living. I advise Carlos to stay in school and just keep trying. My dad always tells me " never give up on yourself" ..I always keep that in mind. 812849

    1. When you write like this, you should NEVER give up! :-D

  4. the story of TOMAS
    Is a story about a man name tomas who works in construction work he immigrated from mexico and was trying to get a better life for him and his family. Tomas had high hopes for his son to finish high school but he drop out and now he has proposed his son that he could get his G.E.D before him(his son) and if Tomas wins his son will have to go to college. His studying to get his G.E.D but so his son will have to keep his promise and go to college but his not so sure anymore if he can win.

  5. Carlos and I we don't have anything in common because he didn't like to stay in school because he thought it was a wasting time and for me to stay in school is my foremost priority because I know if I graduate I will have more opportunities in life.987923

  6. What it's differet about Carlos story and my it's a lot but I going to list some he did't see it the differences between people who are graduated and people who don't I do see the differences because when you graduate you have many opportunities in life: you don't have to cut a grass unless you are the business owner or you don't have to work as a diswaher unless it's a requirement to learn everything step by step to be a manager or something like that 987923

  7. I'm about to finish English 12 and my advice for Carlos is to keep going to school because shool it's very important in life becase it's the only way you can educate yourself it teach you a good manners or to be polite for example also once you don't finished your school it's going to be hard for you to find a well pay job so keep going to school until you reach the graduation day and farther more if you have the opportunity keep going to College and after that University. 987923

  8. Everything is different between Carlos and I because i think that an education makes a big different in life .Someone that has a diploma and went to college it has much more opportunities than someone that has no education at all .His life and mine are different and have always being different because i have a mother who always worries about me being in school ,she has made shore that my brothers and i stay in school ,she always told us that if we stay in school and become professionals we would have easier life and that is very true ,she not only told us about the importance of an education but also gave us examples of how much money and well people who went to college earns ,and how much someone who didn't earn and the condition of how that person lives are .I would advice Carlos to keep going to school and graduate his life is not bad after all because he has someone to support him all he has to do is go to school .My life is way more difficult since i have to work to support myself and attend to school too ,even though i miss a lot of classes i try to make up the work and try to study a tiny bet at least to get good grades and pass my classes ,maybe I'm absent sometimes because my job makes it difficult and sometimes i wake up late but i still going and i wont stop till i graduate from high school ,because i know the importance of an education .987601

  9. There are a few things that Carlos and I have in common. My mother didn't graduate high school and get her diploma either. I too wasn't really seeing the benefits reaped from going to school, learning the things I was learning, or graduating. I was seeing people who were far from ever even having had a chance of going to high school at all who were doing just fine, surviving, still alive and kicking. My aunt has a nice big house and she didn't get her diploma, she only made up to the end of the 8th grade. The differences between Carlos and I are that my mom does genuinely care for me getting a good education and she is on me like white on rice about it all the time, the other difference is that I do see the need for my education, I feel the need for it, the need for my diploma, and the need to go further than "just enough". I would tell Carlos that he is too close to give up now, that after his junior year it's his senior year, that's it! After about 13 years of going to school not including kindergarten, sticking it out for one more and taking chances to see how far really a diploma can get him is worth a try. It's what you do with your education that makes a difference.
